
This site brings together ideas and information from around the web that may be helpful for those of us who are engaged with improving learning spaces at educational institutions.  It is also designed to showcase some of the amazing learning spaces that are have recently been built around Australasia and provide insights into what has worked well (and not so well) with these spaces.

It is curated as part of the Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-Learning (ACODE) network.


Dr Lisa Germany

About me:

I am the Associate Director Learning Environments at Victoria University, Melbourne, which essentially means I look after the technologies and physical spaces used for learning at VU from an education perspective.  I work very closely with the facilities and IT departments within the University to ensure that the eLearning environment and our classrooms remain relevant and fit-for-purpose in a landscape that changes quite rapidly.

I have established a full-cycle evaluation methodology for VU’s learning spaces and given keynotes and workshops at many conferences in Australia and Asia around the importance of physical space and how to evaluate it effectively.

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